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3 Easy Homemade Chocolate Truffle Recipes

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Homemade chocolate truffles make a thoughtful gift and are so simple to make.

Cacao is a rich antioxidant that boasts several health benefits. Studies have shown that a diet rich in antioxidants may help prevent cognitive decline, reduce the risk of heart problems and even lower cholesterol levels.

Homemade chocolate truffles (also known as bonbons) sound quite complicated, but in reality, they are very easy to make and require just a few ingredients. Once the basic recipe has been learned, it can be adapted to any style or taste.

Vegan Chocolate Truffles: Traditional Flavor

This recipe for vegan chocolate truffles utilizes cashews instead of milk chocolate. The cashews, when blended down, form a delicious creaminess that is delectable in texture and taste. Children and adults alike will love this traditional chocolate flavor, and it can be made in a very short amount of time. These vegan chocolate truffles are also low in calories. Each ball contains fewer than 20 calories per serving.



  1. Put the cashews and the cold water into a high-speed blender (or food processor with the blade attachment) and blend for 1-2 minutes. Occasionally, push down the sides with a spatula, and keep blending until the mixture is thick and creamy. Note: If the cashews are too dry, add a few teaspoons of extra water until a good consistency is reached.
  2. Melt the chocolate slowly over a double boiler. Optional: Melt chocolate in the microwave and stir every 20-30 seconds to ensure that it does not burn. Let the chocolate cool for 10 minutes or until you can safely work with it.
  3. Optional: If the chocolate is too thick, add the coconut oil to the chocolate to thin it down. Stir slowly until the oil and chocolate are mixed thoroughly.
  4. Gently fold the creamy cashew mixture into the chocolate. Stir very slowly with a rubber spatula to make sure no bubbles form. Store in refrigerator until the mixture is set properly, but not hard. This process will take about two hours.
  5. Form mixture into balls and roll immediately into the cacao powder until they are lightly coated.
  6. Store in a covered, airtight container in a cool location and enjoy with friends and family!

Key Lime Dark Chocolate Truffles

These truffles are a delightful twist on a classic white chocolate bonbon covered in dark chocolate truffle. They are comparable to something one might expect to find in an expensive chocolate factory, but they can be homemade in a short amount of time.



  1. Make the lime-infused cream by gently heating the cream and lime zest over medium heat until it almost boils. Note: The cream burns very easily, so heat it slowly and gently. Allow the lime and cream to infuse for 30 minutes.
  2. Roughly chop the white chocolate, and place it into a microwave-safe bowl. Melt the chocolate in the microwave and stir every 20-30 seconds until completely melted.
  3. When it is melted, add the butter and lime juice. DO NOT STIR. Just let it sit until the next step is complete.
  4. Reheat the lime cream just until it is barely simmering. Take it off the heat, and pour it through a mesh strainer to remove the green lime zest.
  5. Slowly add the lime cream to the white chocolate and butter mixture. Stir with the rubber spatula very carefully. Do not over-stir it or be too forceful. It should be a gentle one-direction scooping-like movement.
  6. Once the mixture is completely combined, cover with plastic wrap gently laid on top of the ganache. This will prevent a film from forming on the ganache mixture. Place in the refrigerator for two to three hours until lightly firm.
  7. Check the ganache mixture. It should be soft, but still able to be handled.
  8. Line a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper. Scoop 1 tsp. of the mixture, and roll it into a ball. Note: A small melon baller will help make uniform pieces. Repeat until all the mixture is gone.
  9. Place the lime truffles in the refrigerator while the chocolate mixture is melting.
  10. Just like with the white chocolate, melt the dark chocolate in the microwave. Stir every 20-30 seconds until it’s completely melted and smooth.
  11. If it is too hot, let it sit for five minutes to cool so it will not melt the truffle.
  12. Dip truffles into dark chocolate and place back onto baking sheets.
  13. Let truffles sit for one hour before eating to allow flavors to meld properly.
  14. Truffles can be stored in the refrigerator for a week or in a cool location.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles

The filling in this recipe is not heated, so it is a great way to involve kids in the kitchen to make memories together while rolling out the balls. The recipe can be doubled or tripled easily. In addition, these peanut butter chocolate truffles can be stored for several months in the freezer, which makes them an easy dessert for those who like to plan ahead.



  1. Combine the smooth peanut butter, crunchy peanut butter, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla and salt in a large bowl. Stir until the mixture forms into one large ball. Note: if you live in a warm climate, you may need to add a 1/4-1/2 cup of extra powdered sugar to thicken the filling.
  2. Once the mixture is completely combined, scoop it out into small balls. A teaspoon or a small melon baller will help make uniform pieces. Place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper or parchment paper. When done, place into the refrigerator while melting the chocolate.
  3. Melt the dark chocolate in the microwave. Stir it every 20-30 seconds until completely melted and smooth. Add coconut oil to thin the mixture. Note: Never add water or milk to chocolate as it will cause it to be ruined.
  4. If the dark chocolate is too hot, let it sit for five minutes to cool so it will not melt the truffle.
  5. Dip the truffles into the dark chocolate and place back onto baking sheets. Let truffles sit for two to three hours before eating to allow the peanut butter flavor to bloom appropriately.
  6. Truffles can be stored in a cool location in the home for a week or in the freezer for up to three months.

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